

2021/11/10 郭尚栢同學專題演講

演講者:郭尚栢 同學


日 期:2021年11月10日(星期三14:30

地 點:國立高雄大學理學院408

講 題:How to number your plate

摘   要:

Identifying the license plate frequently appearing in the parking lots is an important task for car-parking and is a key part of an intelligent access control system. In this project, several deep learning techniques are implemented to locate the license plate and recognize the number. Moreover, these techniques are integrated as monitoringassistant information for security system. We use Yolov3, Opencv and Tensorflow
in python to achieve license plate positioning, number-cutting and numberrecognition. A hierarchical detection model is built to recognize license plate based on daily collected data with image augmentation. In this talk, we will also share any difficulties and solutions during the process of building this system. We hope we can use this opportunity to let everyone know more about AI (artificial intelligence) technology and to tell everyone that we can apply what we have learned to our lives.
