

2021/10/13 管希聖教授專題演講

演講者:管希聖 教授


日 期:2021年10月13日(星期三14:00

地 點:國立高雄大學理學院408

講 題:Recent Development and Trend on Quantum Computing

摘   要:

Quantum computing is an entirely new paradigm of computation that promises to solve some of the difficult problems that are currently intractable on classical supercomputers. Quantum computing has made a big splash across the news in the last few years — from Google’s 53-qubit quantum computer “Sycamore” achieving what has been coined quantum supremacy to multibillion-dollar initiatives around the world to develop quantum technologies for computing and beyond. The race is on. In this talk, I will discuss the recent development and trend on quantum computing, especially on the progress of using different physical systems to build a quantum computer, which tech giants and leading research groups around the world have been actively pusuing. After that, I will briefly talk about the possible near-term applications of quantum computing.
