

2022/4/13 林敏雄教授專題演講

演講者:林敏雄 教授


日 期:2022年4月13日(星期三14:00

地 點:國立高雄大學理學院408

講 題:Quantum Entanglement from Theory to Experiment

摘   要:

Gauging the distance between a mixed state and its nearest separable state is important but challenging in the quantum mechanical system. We, in this talk, propose a dynamical system approach to quantify entangled bipartite systems, which has several advantages, including (1) A gradient dynamics in the complex space can be described in a fairly concise way; (2) The global convergence from any starting point to a local solution is guaranteed; (3) The requirement that the combination coefficients of pure states must be a probability distribution can be ensured; (4) The rank can be dynamically adjusted. The theory, algorithms, and some numerical experiments will be presented in this talk.
