

2022/5/4 張覺心教授專題演講

演講者:張覺心 教授


日 期:2022年5月4日(星期三14:30

地 點:應用數學系多媒體教室(理408室)

講 題:Dynamics of Standing Front-Back-Pulse Solutions in The Three-Species Competition-Diffusion System

摘   要:

In this talk we consider the weak interaction between the standing frontback-pulse (FBP) solutions of the three-species competition-diffusion systems. The FBP solutions was obtained under the assumption that the competition rates from the third species to others species are very small. Under different conditions of parameters, the asymptotic behaviors of FBP solutions are different, in each case, we find that there exists unstable glued solutions with the third species has profile with two pulses. This is a joint work with Prof. Chiun-Chuan Chen.
