

2023/03/22 劉筱凡教授專題演講

演講者:劉筱凡 教授


日 期:2023年3月22日(星期三16:00

講 題:An approach to classify constant p-mean curvature surfaces in the Heisenberg group

線上演講:https://meet.google.com/wio-yzxh-hbm(google Meet)

摘   要:

       The Sine-Gordon equation was discovered in the 19 century and S. S. Chern in 1981 gave a geometric interpretation of solutions to the Sine-Gordon equation, that is the pseudosphere. This relates partial differential equations and differential geometry. Such a relation gives rise to the study of integrable systems and geometries. Motivated by this study, we will introduce an approach to characterize constant p-mean curvature surfaces in the Heisenberg group, and present our recent results in this direction.
