

2023/04/12 陳世昕博士後研究員專題演講

演講者:陳世昕  博士後研究員


日 期:2023年04月12日(星期三)14:30

地 點:國立高雄大學理學院408室

講 題:Synchronization of Heterogeneous Forced Kuramoto Oscillators Network: A Differential Inequality Approach

摘   要:

     Synchronization behaviours have been observed and investigated in various disciplines. There are abundant examples including circadian rhythms, flash of fireflies, neural networks, biological oscillators, clocks, power systems, etc. In this talk, I shall briefly introduce such phenomena by using an ignite talk. Next, I shall introduce the forced Kuramoto model and some related works. Then I shall show the main results and present key lemmas for the sketch of the proofs. If time permits, I would show the numerical simulations. 
