

2024/03/13 梁惟㨗教授專題演講

演講者:梁惟㨗 教授

日 期:2024 年 03 月 13 日(星期三)14:30

地 點:國立高雄大學理學院 408 室

講 題:Analyzing Performance of Distributed Compressive Sensing Using Diverse Signal Ensembles

摘   要:

Distributed Compressive Sensing (DCS) is a framework that incorporates joint sparsity among signal ensembles and multiple measurement vectors (MMVs). However, existing theoretical bounds on the probability of perfect recovery for MMVs are essentially the same as those for a single measurement vector (SMV). In this talk, I will introduce two crucial components, namely "Euclidean distances between signals" and "decay rate of signal ensemble," to conduct a performance analysis of a deterministic signal model within the MMVs framework.

